Membership Agreement

     A.  Commencement of the Agreement

The Member may use the Site entering the e-mail address and password after s/he has completed registration process and duly verified e-mail address provided that s/he complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

In the event that the Agreement is signed on behalf of a legal entity, the contracting person is to have accepted and undertaken that s/he is authorized to make such a transaction on behalf of the relevant legal entity; otherwise (in case of an unauthorized transaction) would be personally liable for all the actions hereafter.

The Member undertakes that s/he shall be deemed to have acknowledged all the conditions within the Agreement and that these conditions shall be binding for her/him from the moment s/he has commenced to use the Site. DARE LONDON reserves the right to notice the Member of alterations and modifications in below-mentioned conditions on its own discretion if required as per regulations or this Agreement.

     B.  Rights and Liabilities of the Member

  • The Site is an open site for everyone who is a member of it. Services on the site are free of charge. The Member accepts and declares that when making use of the Site, s/he will act according to the conditions within the Agreement and rules set forth in the relevant parts of the Site.
  • The Member agrees to comply with Code of Obligations, Turkish Penal Code, Turkish Commercial Code, Code of Intellectual and Artistic Works; Laws, Statutory Decrees and other related Legislation Provisions Concerning the Protection of Trademark and Patent Rights, the Law on the Protection of Personal and other relevant legislation along with any announcements and notifications to be made by DARE LONDON related to its services when making use of services rendered on the Site. Any legal, penal and financial liabilities to be arised out of the contrary usage against such notifications and/or applicable laws shall be borne by the Member.
  • The Member shall indemnify any loss to be incurred by DARE LONDON due to wrongful acts or non-fulfilment of the liabilities under this Agreement, and DARE LONDON reserves the right to make a specific claim of recourse from the Member with regards to any compensation, administrative/judicial fine to be paid to any public bodies and/or third parties in this regard.
  • The Member may not perform any preventive or obstructive acts against other members or visitors to make use of the Site; may not interlock the servers or databases downloading automatic programs and make fallacious attempts on data; otherwise s/he agrees that her/his membership shall end and s/he shall undertake any and all legal and penal liabilities in this regard.
  • To keep the backup of in-Site correspondences is under the responsibility of the persons themselves and is suggested by DARE LONDON. DARE LONDON cannot be held responsible for loss and deletion of the back-ups due to failure of keeping the back-ups of the correspondences. The Member accepts and declares that when making an entry or doing shopping on the Site, given personal and other information is accurate and that in case of inaccuracy of such information, s/he shall indemnify any loss of DARE LONDON in full and promptly. Risks related to links (links that prompt other different internet sites) on the site to provide information and convenience for visitors on Site belong to the Member. These links are allowed by DARE LONDON within the content of the Site only to provide visitors information and convenience.
  • Audio-graphic contents presented on Site are only for personal use. Right is reserved for all the texts, graphics, videos, pictures, animations and audios taking part in the content of the Site; unless indicated otherwise, it may not be used for commercial or personal purposes without permission and reference. Without permission of DARE LONDON, it is not allowed to publish or give a link related to any of the Site materials on any other media platforms or internet sites.
  • Works belonging to DARE LONDON on Site subject to its copyrights may under any circumstances not be used, sold out, shared, distributed, exhibited, copied, processed and subject to derivative works by the Member. Otherwise, the Member accepts and declares that s/he shall be liable for the entire loss incurred or to be incurred by DARE LONDON. It is strictly forbidden to copy or make use of the software used during the design of pages and creation of database any right of which belongs to DARE LONDON .
  • The Member cannot delete or extract any notes within the scope of copyrights, trademarks and Code of Intellectual and Artistic Works upon any material copied from the Site or printed via the printer.
  • Interrelations of the Site users among themselves or with third parties are under their own responsibility. DARE LONDON gives great importance to ensuring that the personal data provided by the Member to benefit from the services provided on the Site is processed, protected and its security is ensured in accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data. In this context, DARE LONDON may collect the personal data provided by the Member, in accordance with the  Informative Note on The Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy provided on the Site and may ensure its security, preserve, use, transfer and process such personal data through other means in accordance with Article 12 of Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data. Informative Note on The Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy constitutes an inseparable part of this Agreement. DARE LONDON, expressly and with its free will, gives consent to the collection, use, transfer, and processing of its personal data in other means in pursuance with the Informative Note on The Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy by utilizing services provided on the Site and/or creating an account in the Site. For more information on the conditions for use of personal data and your rights thereof, you may review our Informative Note on The Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy and you may use your rights by sending an e-mail to  or by calling 000000000. Personal information and data disclosed by the Member on the Site may be used, stored and shared by DARE LONDON  or its business partners located in Turkey or foreign countries in accordance with the Informative Note on The Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy with the purposes of fulfilling the obligations set forth by this Agreement, to carry out the necessary activities for the operation of the Site and to carry out advertising, marketing and other commercial communication activities by DARE LONDON . The Member acknowledges and declares that he/she gives consent to the use and storage of his/her information by DARE LONDON in this manner. DARE LONDON will take all necessary measures to ensure the security of such information. The Member shall have the right to make changes on his/her personal data any time he/she wishes. The Member, however, gives consent that the information and personal data provided by him/her may be shared with DARE LONDON ’s subsidiaries for the purpose of provision of special advantages to the Member and notification of any communication activities with sales, marketing and other similar purposes.

     C.  Rights and Liabilities of DARE LONDON            

  • In case of below mentioned cases, without prejudice of its legal rights as per the applicable law, DARE LONDON has the right to suspend or cancel the membership of the Member, cancel the transaction made by the Member and to terminate this Agreement unilaterally promptly:
  • In case of wrong-recording, irregular and misleading information on Site which contains inappropriate or unlawful statements under the laws of Republic of Turkey;
  • In case works or data on the Site is copied/used without authorization wholly or partially
  • In case a disclosure of the password / other related information given by DARE LONDON for the purposes of the membership to the third parties. In case of a misuse by these third parties, the Member will be solely liable. Additionally, the Member cannot make use of IP address, e-mail address, user name and miscellaneous information of others on the internet and not reach or make use of private information of the Members without permission. Any legal or criminal liabilities in this regard shall be borne by the Member;
  • In case software that may jeopardize the information security of the Site or prevent the running of the Site is used or similar activities are performed
  • In case the Member harms DARE LONDON by misusing the Site or taking unfair advantage of any deficit of DARE LONDON’s campaigns, sales system or the Site (technical, etc.),
  • In case the Member does not fulfill the obligations under this Agrement and / or according to the applicable laws and regulations.
  • DARE LONDON, while reserving its rights to permanently or temporarily suspend the services provided unilaterally, to change the content of the services or revoke the services and excluding technical failures, undertakes to ensure that the Member benefits from the services described under the Agreement and that the information disclosed by the Member will not be shared with third persons except for legal obligations and the conditions. In the event that a Member is found to cause any electronic sabotage and/or offense which may interfere with the operation of the Site or a criminal complaint or a request for official investigation is submitted by official authorities, DARE LONDON reserves the right to investigate and disclose the personal information of the Member.
  • Member shall act in accordance with the provisions of this Agremeent. Otherwise, DARE LONDON has the right to terminate this Agreement promptly. The Member accepts and declares that s/he has read and understood this Agreement align with an approval from the moment s/he started to make use of the Site.

     D.  Assignment, Scope and Term of the Agreement and Enforcement

  • The Agreement shall be expired immediately and automatically without any further notification in case of the cancellation of the membership or the occurance of any of the termination reasons under this Agreement. The Member accepts in advance that where required by DARE LONDON, it may cancel the Site membership and terminate this Membership Agreement provided that it notifies the Member of the reason.
  • DARE LONDON may make amendments within this Agreement unilaterally any time and without prior notification to ensure the continuity of its services. As long as the ultimate objective of the Site and services rendered remain the same in principle, DARE LONDON has the right to suspend the services temporarily or permanently, make modifications on or cancel the content of the Site, including announced prices, without any justification and unilaterally. Where necessary, DARE LONDON shall announce the updated membership conditions along with the updated date under the same link on the Site and notify this to the Member. Updated membership conditions shall be valid as of the announcement and use of the Site or services shall be bound to the current membership conditions as of that very moment. Different rules and obligations may be determined for some certain parts of the Site which are exclusive to the given part. The Member making use of such parts is deemed to have read and understood the relevant rules.
  • The Member irrevocably accepts and declares that DARE LONDON may assign the Agreement to third parties and that it allowed the assignment of the Agreement in advance via this Agreement as per Article 205 of Code of Obligations.

     E.  General Provisions

  • Validity, interpretation and performance of this Agreement are subject to laws of Republic of Turkey. İstanbul Central Courts and Enforcement Courts are authorized to resolve the disputes to arise from the implementation of this Agreement.
  • The email address given by the Member at the time of membership sign-up is regarded as the legal notice address for any notification in the future related to this Agreement. In case a party fail to notify the other party about changes in the existing email address within three (3) days, they acknowledge that notifications made to the previous email address shall be valid and deemed to have been received.
  • Any notification made using the registered email address of the Member shall be considered as having reached to the Member one (1) day after the email has been sent over by DARE LONDON . The Member accepts and declares that s/he has read, understood and accepted all the articles within this Agreement and approved the accuracy of given information.

     F.  Contact Information of the Company



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